Friday, January 9, 2009

Here are the pictures...a few days late!

Luckily Connor hasn't figured out the whole getting up early on Christmas morning! James and I still couldn't get ourselves out of bed to "get ready" though. Connor is enjoying the chocolate Santa that he found sticking out of his stocking. Here are all the goodies that Santa left! He was most excited about the BA-LooooooN! (We had bought that the day before at the grocery store, he is so silly.)
Connor was helping me make Santa cookies.

This is one of my favorites...that sweet smile. It amazes me how simple things can make him smile. I love it!!!

HERE is my FAVORITE! My two sleeping angels. Connor crawled right up in the bend of James' legs and fell asleep!
Blogger only lets me add so many pictures, so I will post more pictures of our holiday break soon.

1 comment:

cmjj said...

your house is so beautiful! And I also like the pic of James and Connor sweet :)