Thursday, April 15, 2010

Six Flags or BUST!!!

A couple of weekends ago we met Nana, Papa, and Uncle Bubba at Six Flags. We were all completely and totally on Connor's schedule. He had a blast. Every single one of us were at his beck and call. Connor got to ride every ride he wanted to and some...more than once. Our day pass is good all season long so we will be able to take Connor to all the holiday activities and festivities.

Connor is taking Papa for a ride.

Nana was the "lucky" one to ride this "small" Superman ride.

Hands up for the mini mine train.

This is the ride that Connor continues to talk about. He loved flying the airplane up and down "all by myself"! James and I continue to talk about how much Connor reminds us of James' Dad, Mike. During our trip Connor had to check out the mechanics of everything. How it works, what the screws are for, and what everything is suppose to do? There were points of our trip that we couldn't tell if Connor was having fun or just in AWE of the mechanics. James and I decided that we might have a "deep thinker" on our hands. The other favorite was the Log Ride, unfortunately I only have the picture that we BOUGHT.

I remember getting to drive these cars when I was little. It is so much fun to see my little one getting to make the same memories that I have!!! :) Eric is the only one making sure Connor doesen't crash...or he was ready to go home (can't really tell)!!
We had a GREAT trip and hopefully next time we go I will get to ride something...anything!!! On a side note, Six Flags has a strict policy against pregnant moms getting on anything. I think the cars were even off limits. Thanks James, Mom, Dad, and Eric for going so Connor could enjoy Six Flags.

1 comment:

~holly~ said...

How CUTE!! We will have to meet you guys down there sometime! Jax would LOVE that place!! Hope your feeling okay! Love, Holly