I've been trying to keep a mental note of the funny things that Connor has said to us lately. Before that I forget I want to write them down.
*anytime we want him to do something and he doesn't want to he says "me to small!"
*"not right now, mommy" and puts his hand up in the air
I cut the tip off of his pacifier last night
*"paci broke"
*"go to store, buy new one"
*"fix it, daddy"
I've been trying to potty train him
*"hiney bobo hurts, new diaper"
*"Thomas, underwear"
Connor will start school 2 days a week after Labor day
*"go to school in 2 months"
*"no like school, mommy"
*"mommy go to school"
He is into everything, terrible two's have hit, and his new thing is to push friends. At playgroup the other day he went around pushing all the kiddos. He likes to stand in the corner, if I swat his hiney he laughs, and putting the booster chair in the corner makes him laugh. I am trying to be patient. Overall he is a sweet little boy that loves life and everyone around him!!
Have a great day!!!!