Friday, September 30, 2011

The Big 1 for Sweet Ian

My baby turned one in that crazy month called JULY! What were we thinking having both kids born 11 days apart. It sure does make this mommy lose her mind. Ian is amazing. He is funny, he loves Connor, and lights up when he sees mommy and daddy. We had a birthday party for family for both boys. They each got to blow out candles and have their own cake. Ian wasn't quite sure about the whole cake thing at first, but he got down and dirty and soon decided he really liked it.
Some things I want to remember about Ian:
*He is a bit wobbly, but can walk
*He eats pretty much what we eat, but I still feed him baby food (fruits/veggies)
*He watches everything that Connor does
*He is attached to mommy and daddy
Length: 29 1/2 inches tall 65%
weight: 20.3 pounds 25-50%
Head: 75 %
You light up our world. We love you so much. Your smile and happy attitude makes the room light up. We love and pray that God continues to mold you into a loving little brother. Happy Birthday little guy!
Mom & Dad

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