We live less than 2 minutes from the athletic club where the party was, and this little guy was asleep before I had my seat belt on.
All I seem to get is his back. He loved watching the big kids play.
Here we are at Grapevine Botanical Garden looking for butterflies.
This is DADDY'S BIG pumpkin...and Connor's pumpkin is in his lap.
Connor saw the big kiddos riding these see-saws and thought that he could too.
This is our live-in horse...Molly.
Have a great week!!!!
Here are the three Amigos. Papa, Connor, and Uncle Bubba!!! They had a blast. Nana made the coment that she was exhausted by the time we got home. She said she slept GREAT that night!!
I thought I had taken some pics of the beautiful resort, but somehow they weren't on my phone. We also went to a show in Branson. It was called the Liver Pool Legends. It was about the Beatles. John Lennon's aunt was there that night answering questions during intermission. The music was great and Tiffany and I kept saying how many of the songs we knew but didn't know the Beatles wrote/sang!
We had a BLAST. Connor was well taken care of and all he could say for the next few days was "Bu-BA", "Nana", and "Papa". I know that they also enjoyed having him.
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Eric!!!